Membership Deed of IDC (English Medium) Madrasah & IDC Foundation
মেম্বারশিপ প্রোপোজাল এই লিংক ক্লিক করে দেখা যাবে।
Deed of Agreement For IDC Madrasha & IDC Foundation Membership
Mahbub Osmane, Obydur Rahman Mridha, Maksudur Rahman ( on behalf of IDC Madrasah ) Age: NA, Father’s name: NA, Mother’s Name: NA of Vill: Ka-65/5,Shahjadpur, P.O: Gulshan, P.S: Gulshan, Dist: Dhaka, by faith- Islam (Sunni), Nationality- Bangladeshi by birth. ============= First Party
Md. …………………., Age: 00 years, Father’s name:………………, Mother’s name: ………. of Vill:……….., P.O:………., P.S: ……….., Dist:…………., by profession- Business, by faith- Islam (Sunni), Nationality- Bangladeshi by birth.
============= Second Party
Features of this Deed of Agreement
1. Name of the Institution: IDC ( English Medium ) Madrasah & IDC Foundation
2. Address: Ka-65/5,Shahjadpur,Gulshan, Dhaka-1212
3. Type of initiative: English Medium Madrasah ( Educational Institution) & IDC Foundation
4. Commencement of This Membership Initiative: This membership initiative will commence on the 1st day of March 2019 and the profit of this initiative can be collected by the mutual consent of the active committee. These initiatives will be continued until abolished by the mutual consent of the active committee.
5. Capital: Present invested capital is 2 core (200,00,000) BDT and it will be contributed equally to 1,00,000 (One Lakh) taka by each share.
6. Distribution of shares of Members:
- 0.5 Percent ( 0.5% ) of each member.
7. Md. Mahbub Osmane shall be the Chairman of this IDC ( English Medium ) Madrasah and Md. Mollah Masum shall be the Director of this Madrasah.
8. Profit and Loss: The profit and loss will be shared in accordance with their share among members. But a portion of profit mutually will be re-invested in this initiative.
9. Signatory Power: The power to make and sign all contracts to the initiative of this membership initiative will be signed by the Chairman with the consent of the other shareholders of this initiative.
আইডিসির সাথে যোগ দিয়ে উভয় জাহানের জন্য ভালো কিছু করুন।
আইডিসি এবং আইডিসি ফাউন্ডেশনের ব্যপারে বিস্তারিত জানতে লিংক০১ ও লিংক০২ ভিজিট করুন।
আইডিসি মাদরাসার ব্যপারে বিস্তারিত জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।
আপনি আইডিসি মাদরাসার একজন স্থায়ী সদস্য /পার্টনার হতে চাইলে এই লিংক দেখুন.
আইডিসি এতীমখানা ও গোরাবা ফান্ডে দান করে দুনিয়া এবং আখিরাতে সফলতা অর্জন করুন।
কুরআন হাদিসের আলোকে বিভিন্ন কঠিন রোগের চিকিৎসা করাতেআইডিসি ‘র সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন।
ইসলামিক বিষয়ে জানতে এবং জানাতে এই গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন।
10. Accounting Year: The accounting year of this membership initiative will be counted from 1st January to 31st December in every calendar year.
11. Bank account and direction: The membership initiative shall open accounts in any scheduled Bank, Commercial Bank, or any other Bank and shall be operated the same under the signature of the Chairman but it will be confirmed by the active committee.
13. Appointment: The appointment of officers, Teachers, Assistants, Clerks, and special services to determine their authorities and duties and to fix their remuneration will be decided by the active committee.
14. Change of signatory: If the members would like to change the signatory, in that case, it will be changed by a resolution of the chairman & active committee.
15. Documentation: Trade license, TIN, VAT Certificate, Bank account, and all other necessary documents for the purpose of this initiative will be prepared by the chairman & active committee and all other documents will be prepared and printed by the name of “IDC ( English Medium ) Madrasah” & IDC Foundation.
16. The loan from Bank/Financial Institution: In case of expense and development of the aforesaid membership initiative it may take a loan from any Bank of Bangladesh, Government, Semi-government, or from any other private agencies or enterprise. The Chairman will take such loan with the common consent and common liabilities of the sharer.
17. Responsibility: The aforesaid membership initiative shall not be made liable for any transaction, act, or acts done by any member in his individual or personal capacity.
18. Death of a Member: In case of death of a member, the legal successor of the deceased member will be the owner of his (deceased member) mentioned shares.
19. Inclusion/involvement of new member: If any new member is required to be included, it shall be decided upon the consent of the chairman & active committee. Members can be increased if necessary. In that case, the share percentage will be decreased according to new members.
20. Alteration of Deed: That any of the terms and conditions of this membership deed may be altered, changed, varied to suit or serve the best interests of this membership initiative on the consent of the chairman & active committee hereof which consent may either be expressed in written or implied from conduct.
21. Abolition of membership initiatives: These membership initiatives can be abolished by 100% mutual consent of the chairman & active committee.
22. Invested Money Rules: The invested money is not refundable until the institution is on profit, partial amount ( 1/4) could be refundable if the institution is running & on break even. 50% could be refundable if the institution is running & on profit. To get a refund, a minimum of 1-year prior notice is mandatory to the chairman & active committee of that time. If the institution is at a loss, the refund can not be claimed by the investors.
24. Rules of membership initiatives: If any point is absent in this deed or arises in the future for membership initiatives that will be solved with the consent of the chairman & active committee otherwise as per rules of membership initiatives rules (1932).
The parties have the liberty to continue this agreement. Now for this deed, the parties have signed on this deed as per the date, month, and year mentioned above.
Witness: Name of shareholders & signature
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- (1st party)
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( 2nd Party)
মেম্বারশিপ প্রোপোজাল এই লিংক ক্লিক করে দেখা যাবে।
আইডিসির সাথে যোগ দিয়ে উভয় জাহানের জন্য ভালো কিছু করুন!
আইডিসি এবং আইডিসি ফাউন্ডেশনের ব্যপারে জানতে লিংক০১ ও লিংক০২ ভিজিট করুন।
আইডিসি মাদরাসার ব্যপারে বিস্তারিত জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।
আপনি আইডিসি মাদরাসার একজন স্থায়ী সদস্য /পার্টনার হতে চাইলে এই লিংক দেখুন.
আইডিসি এতীমখানা ও গোরাবা ফান্ডে দান করে দুনিয়া এবং আখিরাতে সফলতা অর্জন করুন।
কুরআন হাদিসের আলোকে বিভিন্ন কঠিন রোগের চিকিৎসা করাতেআইডিসি ‘র সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন।
ইসলামিক বিষয়ে জানতে এবং জানাতে এই গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন।